Sunday 26 February 2017

TTS: Interludes of Life

09h59 PM, Sunday, 26 February 2016
At Home

Jee. Sus.

I hate crying over movies. Especially sad ones whose messages seep through to the most sensitive, deepest crevices of the heart. The ones that make you cry... not just because the heartbreaking storyline, but because a core part of you resonates profoundly with it. I often try to downplay the severity the of trauma I experienced when my mum passed away. It's actually harder admitting it now than it was four years ago because of how far behind the closet I've tried to shove the matter. It's harder talking about it, and brutal thinking about it. But grief's a work in progress, right? It has to be. I mean, I don't think it just ends, like conversations do. Collateral Beauty starring Will Smith helped me understand this. We often put immense pressure on ourselves to "get over it" -- to resume life as normal as soon as we can.

Normal? What fucking "normal"?

My world's just died and you expect me to be normal? Fuck you.

So we play along anyway, because that's the norm, right? It's psychotic to be depressed and grief-stricken for too long, right? But nothing ever feels normal again. You simply learn to carve out a new normal that doesn't feel too foreign. But it does. It does. When you've made someone your world, it often does feel too foreign moving on without them.

Which is why we should never make people our worlds; they're prone to dying on us.

Saturday 25 February 2017

TTS: Interludes of Life

Saturday, 20h05 PM, 25 February 2017
At home

Love: this somewhat endurable feeling, is a peculiarly fragile thing. Hold on too tightly, and you may suffocate it -- letting it wither and die before it's bloomed in your favour. Release your grip entirely, and it slips through your fingers before you've owned it.

Now what's a girl to do to keep Love present in her life? (Just this once, let's not equate love with romance...)

What I honestly think?

Don't try to own it.
Don't take possession of it.
Don't make it what it isn't because it comes in various forms.
It's not something we can lay claim to, so it's pointless even trying.
Appreciate it for the fleeting, floating transmitter it is.
If it's yours to stay, it will occupy that spare room in your heart's quarters; if not, gladly pack its suitcase and board it on the train to its next destination.
Be grateful for the difference it made for you while sharing your space.
Whatever you do, try not to make it what it isn't.

Loosen your grip. Let go.

Let go.