Friday 2 September 2016

TTS: Interludes of Life

21h02 p.m., Friday, 2 September 2016
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I feel obliged to send a special shout out to The Perfect Stranger. I had 36 page views today, and I feel he may be responsible for all of them. Hi, there! Thanks again for the incredible gift. I'm prepping myself (in other words, procrastinating) for a short story writing competition I'm entering this month, and the gift, The Paris Reviews: Object Lessons, couldn't have come at a better time. Here's the thing about getting books as gifts that blows me away: there are millions of books in the world. A few hundred thousands at a warehouse. Thousands at a library. Hundreds at a bookstore. And that one precious gem -- seemingly by magic, ends up in your hands. Of course, a party-pooper will come from somewhere and add that CDs and clothing are manufactured the same way, but someone can know your favourite artist or your favourite print and remember that forever. You could argue that people could know your favourite author, too, but the arduous task of going through a bookstore -- considering taste, genre and readability, looking for the right book, can't be compared to picking the perfect pair of earrings. It's a carefully thought out gift, and the person probably considered a lot (most likely eve stalked you) to get it right. That's why I treasure all my books.

My sister's complaining that I'm writing this instead of partying the night away, so I gotta go...

Goodnight, folks!

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