Monday 13 July 2015

TTS: Interludes of Life

Initially posted 30 December 2012

One thing I certainly won’t do is to allow myself the luxury of living life badly; of settling for the crumbs because I’m too scared to cut myself a slice of the finest strawberry cheesecake, or worse, because I think I don’t deserve it. 
It’s insane how we as humans get to a point in life where we accept the intolerable; crime, violence, abuse, poor service delivery, rat-infested communities, poorly educated professionals, and even infidelity, passing it off as the norm. 
How on earth did we ever get to a point where having your phone robbed at gunpoint, or your sister mercilessly attacked at the hands of her spouse and not reporting it, a norm? How have we, as a society, become so comfortable with having road-kill ruin our appetites, while government officials continue to feed and accommodate their overtly plump bellies at the most exclusive and expensive establishments, unapologetically, at the account of the struggling taxpayers money? And why are women so willing to sing the world’s anthem of “Men are dogs - they all cheat,” then cry themselves into a frenzy and keep the men who’ll one day drive them into a severe nervous breakdown? 
We obviously need to reassess our principles, values and priorities. If we can’t stand the heat, we get the hell out of the kitchen or adjust the temperature; we can’t pretend that everything’s okay when it’s gradually killing us inside. We deserve so much more than mediocrity. 
Well, at least I know I do.
-Tracy Wilbon

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